Make sure to check out our 2024 Young Writers Issue, featuring our High School Poetry and Fiction contest winners, here!

We will be back from our summer hiatus with a new issue in October!


Meet the Author

Sam De Belder


One more Cassandra calls cities to herself.
Piles of casework tumble off her knees.

She sees Carthage, Cartagena, Casablanca
coming to her the way cartilage loosens


Bars Poetica (Abridged)

Anthony Velasquez


1. Think what you’re going to drink before you order. Have a plan, then execute it. Don’t be that kid from A Christmas Story who gets the deer in the headlights stare when Santa asks what you want. Nothing makes bartenders and mall Santas more pissed off than indecision.


Two Poems

Cara Losier Chanoine


My therapist thinks that running
is a metaphorically resonant
part of my life,
as though the physical act
were an analog for avoidance.



Downtown, after midnight,
along Broadway, under
artificial light, past benches
the clocktower, and empty
parking lots, there are ghosts
that walk again.