2016-2017 STAFF



Mary Crockett Hill is the author of A Theory of Everything (selected by Naomi Shihab Nye for the Autumn House Prize)and If You Return Home with Food (winner of the Bluestem Poetry Award), and coauthor of the history A Town by the Name of Salem. Her work has been featured on such sites as Poetry Daily and Best of the Net, and in such anthologies as American Poetry: The Next Generation. She is a multiple nominee for the Pushcart Prize and the Virginia Book of the Year. In her other life as a children's book writer, she is coauthor of the young adult novel Dream Boy and the early reader Why Are Turtles So Crazy Awesome? She tweets nonsense @MaryLovesBooks.



Erin Keating is originally from Whippany, New Jersey and studies creative writing and literature at Roanoke College. Her scholastic experiences have taken her to England on several occasions, and she considers herself a true Anglophile. In addition to studying abroad, she has also interned in Washington, D.C. at the Smithsonian Discovery Theater and at home at the Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey. When not at the Roanoke Review, she can be found working as a consultant at Roanoke College's Writing Center, or watching a Shakespeare play and drinking some kind of tea.



Hannah Gardner was born in Jiangxi, China and grew up in Franklin, Tennessee. She studies literature and Spanish at Roanoke College, and her studies have allowed her to travel to both Nicaragua and Greece. When not working with the Review, Hannah is often found befriending cats, watching Netflix, or teaching herself Mandarin Chinese.



Alex Narducci was born and raised in Virginia Beach, Virginia and is majoring in Communications with a concentration in Peace and Justice studies. She is a strong advocate for children with learning disabilities and is actively working toward bringing a more positive light to the learning disability community. Her role in the Roanoke Review consists of compiling works for the 50th anniversary anthology and making it come to life for you to love and enjoy. You can typically find her making crafts, taking up residence in art museums, or shuffling through forgotten books at the local thrift store.

Book reviewer

Book reviewer

Cameron MacKenzie's work has appeared in Able Muse, The Rumpus, SubStance and The Michigan Quarterly Review, among other journals. His essays have been collected in The Waste Land at 90: A Retrospective and Edward P. Jones: New Essays. His novel The Beginning of His Excellent and Eventful Career is forthcoming from Madhat Press. He teaches English at Ferrum College.



Our social media intern, Victoria Driver, is a junior communications major from Trenton, New Jersey. Victoria is an avid user of Instagram and Twitter, but in her free time enjoys reading, adventuring, and being social with her friends. After college, Victoria will hopefully pursue a job in the production industry and eventually continue on to be a broadcast journalist.


2016-17 READERS

Emily Densmore, Eesha Imam, Zachary Margrave, Abigail Rose, Richard Smith